Modern Prophets and Visions - PSBR2217

Episode 17 January 22, 2023 01:08:32
Modern Prophets and Visions - PSBR2217
Prophecy Seminar - The Book of Revelation
Modern Prophets and Visions - PSBR2217

Jan 22 2023 | 01:08:32


Show Notes

Modern Prophets and Visions

1. In what three main ways does God speak with his Prophets?
2. What two types of Prophets are mentioned in Scripture?
3. Name the main Old Testament test of a Prophet.
4. What is the main purpose of the Gift of Prophecy?
5. What is another name for "Prophecy" in Revelation 12:17?

Download Lessons:…eminar.htm

Watch on Youtube:…Q9moqBw-9A/videos

Music Credits:
Dragonquest by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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