Latest Episodes
Revelation's Description of God's Church - PSBR2218
Revelation’s Description of God’s Church 1. Who is the Woman standing on the moon in Revelation 12?2. Who is the Dragon who attacks?3. Who...
Modern Prophets and Visions - PSBR2217
Modern Prophets and Visions 1. In what three main ways does God speak with his Prophets?2. What two types of Prophets are mentioned in...
The Land of Beginning Again - PSBR2216
The Land of Beginning Again 1. What is Biblical baptism?2. Why don’t we baptise babies?3. Is it necessary to be baptised to be saved?4....
Revelation Proclaims God's Judgment - PSBR2215
Revelation Proclaims God’s Judgment 1. What is the Pre-Advent Judgment?2. When does it begin?3. Why does the Sanctuary above, need to be cleansed?4. Do...
God Sets a Date for the Judgment - PSBR2214
God Sets a Date for the Judgment 1. When did the 2,300 years start & finish?2. In what year was Jesus baptised?3. How long...
Revelation's Keys of Death - PSBR2213
Revelation’s Keys of Death 1. What happens when we die?2. Where do we go when we die?3. Do we possess an undying, “immortal soul?”4....